I love The Emotion Code and Body Code BUT...

A BIG thing missing from The Emotion Code and Body Code is the replacement of the BAD with the GOOD and I think that is a huge KEY in feeling so much better after a session with me.
When we remove the negative, voids or holes are left. We replace these voids with Light and Positive ENERGY.
This may include Positive Affirmations, and integrating (plugging in) the energy of other positive elements and objects (like herbs, essential oils, colors, etc).
I don't have to test each individual trapped emotion/section like I do with the other programs.
One session using Energy Balance can remove a Heart wall and lots of emotions, everything we can do with Emotion Code and Body Code PLUS more.
In one 50 minute session some of the things that we may work on are Generational/Inherited Emotions, Heart-wall, Chakras, Chinese Meridians, Relationship Connection problems, Physical Body system functions, Energy Systems/Polarity, Auras, and Lifeline/Timeline negative trapped emotions.
The INNERgy Method not only includes the same features as the Emotion and Body Code it adds in even more and is SO MUCH FASTER!
*All sessions are done by Phone, Skype or Zoom. You don't have to "do" anything during your session except tell me what you'd like to work on, relax and breathe as we release the negative and integrate the positive.
When we remove the negative, voids or holes are left. We replace these voids with Light and Positive ENERGY.
This may include Positive Affirmations, and integrating (plugging in) the energy of other positive elements and objects (like herbs, essential oils, colors, etc).
I don't have to test each individual trapped emotion/section like I do with the other programs.
One session using Energy Balance can remove a Heart wall and lots of emotions, everything we can do with Emotion Code and Body Code PLUS more.
In one 50 minute session some of the things that we may work on are Generational/Inherited Emotions, Heart-wall, Chakras, Chinese Meridians, Relationship Connection problems, Physical Body system functions, Energy Systems/Polarity, Auras, and Lifeline/Timeline negative trapped emotions.
The INNERgy Method not only includes the same features as the Emotion and Body Code it adds in even more and is SO MUCH FASTER!
*All sessions are done by Phone, Skype or Zoom. You don't have to "do" anything during your session except tell me what you'd like to work on, relax and breathe as we release the negative and integrate the positive.
Energy Moves at the speed of light...
and the Energy Balance session heals in the speed of light. I am so grateful for both the Emotion/Body Code because they taught me about muscle testing and how to get rid of trapped emotions. They were stepping stones to my learning this faster method of Energy Balance.
What is Energy Balancing?
Energy Balancing is a gentle non-invasive way of getting to the root of issues, internal chaos, unneeded emotional baggage, & limiting beliefs, by quickly locating flawed imprints in your DNA, that are holding you back from being healthy, happy, & successful.
Some of these flaws are caused by events in our own lives, & some are passed down by ancestors through generations, because we inherit not only physical DNA - but emotional/energetic DNA as well. These flaws can cause imbalances which manifest as emotional & physical challenges such as anxiety, depression, stress, weight issues, addictions, toxic relationships, negative financial experiences, lack of confidence, illness/disease, & more.
Flaws can be repaired, imbalances balanced, & subconscious belief patterns reprogrammed, in a simple, practical, & non-invasive way... so that the body & mind can begin to function properly & peacefully again.
Here are just a few of the things we work on in a session:
* Emotional Release, including Deep Release & Client led intuition
* Past & Childhood Trauma
* Generational Clearing & Flaws in the Energetic family DNA
* Balancing all the many Energy Systems & Body Systems
* Balancing Questions
* Relationships of ALL kinds, including people, money, food, time, self, God, & many others
* And so much more
Energy Balance is not a specific "method" or modality. Sessions are completely customized to the client, right in the moment, according to whatever they're in need of.
When you have an Energy Balance session, it almost feels like you're getting an emotional / energetic massage! You get to find a comfy place to completely relax during our time together, and by the end, you stand up feeling lighter, and full of more clarity & space! If you'd like to see what my clients have experienced, CLICK HERE.
Some of these flaws are caused by events in our own lives, & some are passed down by ancestors through generations, because we inherit not only physical DNA - but emotional/energetic DNA as well. These flaws can cause imbalances which manifest as emotional & physical challenges such as anxiety, depression, stress, weight issues, addictions, toxic relationships, negative financial experiences, lack of confidence, illness/disease, & more.
Flaws can be repaired, imbalances balanced, & subconscious belief patterns reprogrammed, in a simple, practical, & non-invasive way... so that the body & mind can begin to function properly & peacefully again.
Here are just a few of the things we work on in a session:
* Emotional Release, including Deep Release & Client led intuition
* Past & Childhood Trauma
* Generational Clearing & Flaws in the Energetic family DNA
* Balancing all the many Energy Systems & Body Systems
* Balancing Questions
* Relationships of ALL kinds, including people, money, food, time, self, God, & many others
* And so much more
Energy Balance is not a specific "method" or modality. Sessions are completely customized to the client, right in the moment, according to whatever they're in need of.
When you have an Energy Balance session, it almost feels like you're getting an emotional / energetic massage! You get to find a comfy place to completely relax during our time together, and by the end, you stand up feeling lighter, and full of more clarity & space! If you'd like to see what my clients have experienced, CLICK HERE.
I am a Certified Emotion Code Practioner
If you haven't read "The Emotion Code," you can get a Free Download of the Emotion Code Starter Program HERE.