All About Energy Balance
Frequently Asked Questions
1- What is energy?
EVERYTHING in existence vibrates at a certain frequency. This is something most of us learned in basic science class. When your body's cells (made of energy) are vibrating at a lower frequency, they're not functioning optimally. They are in chaos, & illness manifests physically, mentally, and emotionally. Your body has over ten thousand trillion cells that are communicating electrically & energetically every second of the day. When these cells are vibrating slowly, they become congested or blocked & do not move or communicate freely as they were designed to do.
You know when you walk in a room & you instantly feel the negativity/heaviness - so much that you can practically "cut it with a knife"? This is energy. You can also feel it when you're in the presence of someone who's extremely happy, spiritual, or completely relaxed.
This is energy. When you hear the phrase, "They have such an aura about them!" - That aura is REAL. It's their personal energy field & the light they radiate...
When you get a sudden pain or have an injury, your first instinct is usually to put your hand over it & hold it. This is your body's natural way of utilizing energy to calm the issue, because your hands are full of energy.
Have you ever noticed the comforting feeling you get when you kiss or touch your child's forehead? Or when you hold someone's hand? Or when you hug someone? High frequencies of energy are being shared, & subtle emotional balancing takes place. Every day people unknowingly take part in using energy. There is no limit of time or distance when it comes to energy. It is shared by everyone - and everything - every second of the day.
The most gentle and non-invasive way to accomplish emotional and body balance is through the release of energy. Eastern medicine has implemented these techniques for centuries & still use these methods today!
Conventional therapy requires re-living details of past traumas over & over. Energy balancing doesn't need to do this, because your cells have memory, and your subconscious already knows the details.
An Energy balance session is a simple way of finding the root issue & getting rid of unneeded clutter that is preventing your body from balance OR moving forward & progressing in your life's purpose... Once the lower vibrating / blocked energies are released, your cells then match the higher vibrating frequencies in your energy systems allowing your mind & body to function optimally.
Think of a computer... When it's overloaded with old software that's congesting the system, it eventually malfunctions. In energy work, we're getting rid of (uninstalling) old software. Then we're integrating (installing)new software, so that your "system" can begin functioning properly.
Maybe you're healthy & there's not a lot you need to work on. Maybe you just feel a little "off" or "out of balance", or you'd like to get un-stuck, move forward, & accomplish your life's mission. Energy work can help with that too.
One important note... I'm the trained practitioner / facilitator / coach. I help you locate & get rid of the junk - but you, with God's help, are the one who does all the work.
EVERYTHING in existence vibrates at a certain frequency. This is something most of us learned in basic science class. When your body's cells (made of energy) are vibrating at a lower frequency, they're not functioning optimally. They are in chaos, & illness manifests physically, mentally, and emotionally. Your body has over ten thousand trillion cells that are communicating electrically & energetically every second of the day. When these cells are vibrating slowly, they become congested or blocked & do not move or communicate freely as they were designed to do.
- In 2005, more than 50 top medical hospitals & clinics across the nation were offering energy work to their patients. Since then, many medical establishments have begun to offer these options!
You know when you walk in a room & you instantly feel the negativity/heaviness - so much that you can practically "cut it with a knife"? This is energy. You can also feel it when you're in the presence of someone who's extremely happy, spiritual, or completely relaxed.
This is energy. When you hear the phrase, "They have such an aura about them!" - That aura is REAL. It's their personal energy field & the light they radiate...
When you get a sudden pain or have an injury, your first instinct is usually to put your hand over it & hold it. This is your body's natural way of utilizing energy to calm the issue, because your hands are full of energy.
Have you ever noticed the comforting feeling you get when you kiss or touch your child's forehead? Or when you hold someone's hand? Or when you hug someone? High frequencies of energy are being shared, & subtle emotional balancing takes place. Every day people unknowingly take part in using energy. There is no limit of time or distance when it comes to energy. It is shared by everyone - and everything - every second of the day.
The most gentle and non-invasive way to accomplish emotional and body balance is through the release of energy. Eastern medicine has implemented these techniques for centuries & still use these methods today!
Conventional therapy requires re-living details of past traumas over & over. Energy balancing doesn't need to do this, because your cells have memory, and your subconscious already knows the details.
An Energy balance session is a simple way of finding the root issue & getting rid of unneeded clutter that is preventing your body from balance OR moving forward & progressing in your life's purpose... Once the lower vibrating / blocked energies are released, your cells then match the higher vibrating frequencies in your energy systems allowing your mind & body to function optimally.
Think of a computer... When it's overloaded with old software that's congesting the system, it eventually malfunctions. In energy work, we're getting rid of (uninstalling) old software. Then we're integrating (installing)new software, so that your "system" can begin functioning properly.
Maybe you're healthy & there's not a lot you need to work on. Maybe you just feel a little "off" or "out of balance", or you'd like to get un-stuck, move forward, & accomplish your life's mission. Energy work can help with that too.
One important note... I'm the trained practitioner / facilitator / coach. I help you locate & get rid of the junk - but you, with God's help, are the one who does all the work.
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2- What is muscle testing, & do you use it in your sessions?
Concerning muscle testing:
Muscle testing works like this: Your body is constantly talking. Lie detectors measures subtle energy in your body by monitoring & recording muscle responses. Through Applied Kinesiology (muscle testing), brought to the US in the 1960's by George Goodheart, we are able to read those energy responses without the use of a machine. Blocked energy flow gives a weak response, where freely flowing energy gives a strong response. I've been trained to muscle test, and your body tells me what is going on energetically, so that I can help you release anything that is preventing balance.
I can muscle test whether your session is in person or over the phone (explained down further). I have also developed skills of intuition & being able to feel and sense what's out of balance energetically. I have found that tuning into my own gifts of sensing what's going on is accurate and I'm able to work more quickly and on a much deeper level.
3- Will this really work?
Your body, spirit, & subconscious mind know what is in your highest good, & shifts will take place whether you believe so or not. Just as conventional therapies sometimes do not work, there are times when energy therapies seem to not work. There IS shifting that happens in every session, but sometimes change doesn't happen the way we expect it or hope for it to. This would be in cases where people continue to hold on to negative or blocked energies because they subconsciously believe it serves a purpose or gives them an identity that they aren't ready to let go of. Sometimes they are subconsciously using their situation as a way of getting attention, sympathy, to make excuses for themselves, or to avoid responsibility.
Often times we as humans reach for familiarity, even if it's negative & dysfunctional. However, if we can let go of the perceived "need" for negative familiarity & allow positive familiarity into our lives, it becomes easier to stay positive and begin changing, even if we don't believe it at first. We need to remember that it takes place according to God's will. His ways are not always our ways, and sometimes there are lessons we need to learn.
In my experience, many people notice profound results immediately & others take time. For many, the feeling of heavy burdens was gone, they feel light! Every person & every situation is different. You may feel immediate results, or it may take a while for you to notice them. Have faith, & trust the process, as your new way of being unfolds.
4- What is a session like? Is it expensive?
Let me help put cost into perspective...
When you consider the cost of conventional medicine/therapy... and eating out at restaurants... and going to the movies... and new outfits... and hair, nails, tanning, & eyelash extensions... Consider that a price truly cannot be put on mental and physical balance and reaching your full potential... No. It's not expensive :)
My INNERgy sessions are grouped into a new client Intensive, Follow-up, & Tune-up package. Packages work great, because sometimes everything that needs released and balanced doesn't come up in just one session, and later sessions can include some simple coaching tools, if needed. It is like peeling away onion layers, & your body needs time to process.
Again, maybe you don't have a specific health issue, but you just feel "off" - or you'd like to simply improve an area in your life? That's ok! I just test your energy response, & it will tell us what we need to focus on first! Remember, I do not diagnose or cure medical conditions. As with all energy workers, I don't work on a physical level. I work on an energetic / emotional level... I simply help you release & balance underlying energetic flaws/blocks that are contributing to the things you're experiencing.
I personally work with my clients over the phone or online video chat (such as Zoom/Skype)... Energy does not have any limit - (time or distance). It's shared by everyone - and everything - every second of the day. I do the testing, locate the flaws, & I help you release them - but you are doing the work!!
Phone/Zoom sessions are great, because you're relaxing in the comfort of your own home (or other quiet location) & can even be in your pajamas! You don't have to be in my office for me to work with you.
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5- How do you release negative emotions?
We heal in layers. As subconscious belief patterns & flaws in the energetic DNA are located & brought to the conscious level, they are ready to be released. Simple breathing techniques, and visualizations allow for release of the blocked energy. Then your energy is balanced, & we replace the newly opened space with high vibrational Light, Love, & New Positive Subconscious Beliefs that are in your highest good.
6- Can this be used with babies, children, pregnant women, & animals?
Absolutely. Because it's gentle, non-invasive, and can do no harm, this can be done for animals and children of all ages, including babies and even pregnant women. I've worked on all of the above and seen great results. I have even worked on dying and less than thriving plants & electronics! Remember... Everything is energy. :)
7- What is generational / ancestral balancing?
Just as we inherit physical traits from our ancestors' physical DNA, we also carry some of their emotional DNA. Often times issues like depression, addictions, financial difficulties, & diseases/disorders run in families.
Do you ever think, "Why does that trigger me so much?" (Don't worry... It's not even yours. You inherited it generationally. You can get rid of it!)
Our cells have memory. That memory is passed down through our DNA & can sometimes manifest itself in emotional and physical ways. When these issues are addressed, they can be released, and you feel great peace knowing that you took part in breaking the chain, so that it cannot be passed down any further. The flawed thread of DNA is pulled from your family line permanently. By clearing out these blocks of energy, you are helping many of your relatives who may suffer because of that flaw. This fascinating study of science is called Biogenetic Decoding.
Our genetic code cannot be changed. It makes us who we are. BUT in the past couple of decades, scientists have discovered what is called epi-genetics. Our genes have an outer layer called the epi-genome. They "tell" your genes to switch on or off. Factors like diet, prenatal nutrition, stress/trauma, & environmental toxins make a literal imprint on genes that are passed from one generation to the next.
With the help of emotional release, we no longer need to be a slave to our genes. We can literally take part in changing the outcome of generations. What a beautiful gift!
For more generational inheritance information, please see the "News Articles" section below:
We heal in layers. As subconscious belief patterns & flaws in the energetic DNA are located & brought to the conscious level, they are ready to be released. Simple breathing techniques, and visualizations allow for release of the blocked energy. Then your energy is balanced, & we replace the newly opened space with high vibrational Light, Love, & New Positive Subconscious Beliefs that are in your highest good.
6- Can this be used with babies, children, pregnant women, & animals?
Absolutely. Because it's gentle, non-invasive, and can do no harm, this can be done for animals and children of all ages, including babies and even pregnant women. I've worked on all of the above and seen great results. I have even worked on dying and less than thriving plants & electronics! Remember... Everything is energy. :)
7- What is generational / ancestral balancing?
Just as we inherit physical traits from our ancestors' physical DNA, we also carry some of their emotional DNA. Often times issues like depression, addictions, financial difficulties, & diseases/disorders run in families.
Do you ever think, "Why does that trigger me so much?" (Don't worry... It's not even yours. You inherited it generationally. You can get rid of it!)
Our cells have memory. That memory is passed down through our DNA & can sometimes manifest itself in emotional and physical ways. When these issues are addressed, they can be released, and you feel great peace knowing that you took part in breaking the chain, so that it cannot be passed down any further. The flawed thread of DNA is pulled from your family line permanently. By clearing out these blocks of energy, you are helping many of your relatives who may suffer because of that flaw. This fascinating study of science is called Biogenetic Decoding.
Our genetic code cannot be changed. It makes us who we are. BUT in the past couple of decades, scientists have discovered what is called epi-genetics. Our genes have an outer layer called the epi-genome. They "tell" your genes to switch on or off. Factors like diet, prenatal nutrition, stress/trauma, & environmental toxins make a literal imprint on genes that are passed from one generation to the next.
With the help of emotional release, we no longer need to be a slave to our genes. We can literally take part in changing the outcome of generations. What a beautiful gift!
For more generational inheritance information, please see the "News Articles" section below:
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"In every culture and in every medical tradition before ours, healing was accomplished by moving energy."
Albert Szent-Gyogyi, 1960 Nobel Laureate in Medicine
"In a few decades scientists have gone from a conviction that there is no such thing as an energy field around the human body, to an absolute certainty that it exists. Moreover, science is explaining the roles of energy fields in health and disease. The main reason for the recent change in outlook is the development of sensitive instruments that can detect the minute energy fields around the human body."
Dr. James Oschman, Ph.D. Biological Sciences, University of Pittsburgh, 1965 - B.S. Biophysics, University of Pittsburgh, 1961
"Harnessing the power of your mind can be more effective than the drugs you have been programmed to believe you need."
Bruce Lipton, PH.D., American Cell Biologist
"You do not exist through biochemistry alone. What we deal with in health and illness is physics. Your body creates energy fields and light emissions that are in the quantum range. Your energy body helps regulate your physical body"
Dietrich Klinghardt, MD, PhD
"I believe that trapped emotions can be implicated in nearly all diseases, either directly or indirectly"
Dr. Bradley M. Nelson
"The perspective presented here is that modern genetics is at a similar stage of development as were early formulations of quantum mechanics theory in the 1920s, and that in 2010 we are at the dawn of a new revolution in genetics that promises to enrich and deepen our understanding of the gene and the genome..... Intriguingly, this evolution of the molecular view toward the broader and more inclusive epigenetic view of the gene has an intriguing, if not precise, parallel in the evolution of concepts of atomic physics from Newtonian mechanics to quantum mechanics that are interesting to consider."
Epigenetics: Biology's Quantum Mechanics. [Front Plant Sci.2011] - PubMed - NCBI
Albert Szent-Gyogyi, 1960 Nobel Laureate in Medicine
"In a few decades scientists have gone from a conviction that there is no such thing as an energy field around the human body, to an absolute certainty that it exists. Moreover, science is explaining the roles of energy fields in health and disease. The main reason for the recent change in outlook is the development of sensitive instruments that can detect the minute energy fields around the human body."
Dr. James Oschman, Ph.D. Biological Sciences, University of Pittsburgh, 1965 - B.S. Biophysics, University of Pittsburgh, 1961
"Harnessing the power of your mind can be more effective than the drugs you have been programmed to believe you need."
Bruce Lipton, PH.D., American Cell Biologist
"You do not exist through biochemistry alone. What we deal with in health and illness is physics. Your body creates energy fields and light emissions that are in the quantum range. Your energy body helps regulate your physical body"
Dietrich Klinghardt, MD, PhD
"I believe that trapped emotions can be implicated in nearly all diseases, either directly or indirectly"
Dr. Bradley M. Nelson
"The perspective presented here is that modern genetics is at a similar stage of development as were early formulations of quantum mechanics theory in the 1920s, and that in 2010 we are at the dawn of a new revolution in genetics that promises to enrich and deepen our understanding of the gene and the genome..... Intriguingly, this evolution of the molecular view toward the broader and more inclusive epigenetic view of the gene has an intriguing, if not precise, parallel in the evolution of concepts of atomic physics from Newtonian mechanics to quantum mechanics that are interesting to consider."
Epigenetics: Biology's Quantum Mechanics. [Front Plant Sci.2011] - PubMed - NCBI
"Feelings Buried Alive Never Die" - Karol Truman
"Remembering Wholeness" - Carol Tuttle
"The Emotion Code" - Dr. Bradley Nelson
"Power vs. Force" - Dr. David R. Hawkins
"Your Body Doesn't Lie" - Dr. John Diamond
"Your Body Can Talk" - Dr. Susan L. Levy
"The Hidden Messages In Water" - Dr. Masaru Emoto
"The Biology of Belief: Unleashing the Power of Consciousness, Matter, & Miracles" - Bruce H. Lipton, PhD (Cell Biologist)
"Remembering Wholeness" - Carol Tuttle
"The Emotion Code" - Dr. Bradley Nelson
"Power vs. Force" - Dr. David R. Hawkins
"Your Body Doesn't Lie" - Dr. John Diamond
"Your Body Can Talk" - Dr. Susan L. Levy
"The Hidden Messages In Water" - Dr. Masaru Emoto
"The Biology of Belief: Unleashing the Power of Consciousness, Matter, & Miracles" - Bruce H. Lipton, PhD (Cell Biologist)
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James L. Oschman, Ph.D. Biological Sciences, University of Pittsburgh, 1965 - B.S. Biophysics, University of Pittsburgh, 1961---Distinguished Service Award from the Rolf Institute --- Founder’s Award, National Foundation for Alternative Medicine
"Publications in major peer-reviewed scientific journals: Science, The Journal of Cell
Biology, The Journal of Cell Science, The Journal of Morphology, Tissue and Cell,
American Journal of Physiology, Journal of Experimental Biology, etc. Publication of
several books, editor of several books, chapters in major books"
REHAB.UCLA.EDU - Groundbreaking Scientific Study - Energy Medicine
Orlando Health Dr. P. Phillips Hospital - Energy Medicine
Top hospitals embrace alternative medicine (including energy medicine)
Albany Medical Physicians - Healing Arts Energy Based Therapies
North Westchester Hospital Offers Integrative Medicine:
Energy healing complements traditional medicine in Tampa Bay hospitals
Energy healing: a complementary treatment for orthopaedic and other conditions
*Homeopathy (Homeopathic Medicine) is also based on energy & works at an energetic level. See this study below:
Study: Prophylaxis against Leptospirosis using a nosode: Can this large cohort study serve as a model for future replications? [Homeopathy. 2010]
Study finds trauma effects may linger in body chemistry of next generation
Epigenetics, DNA: How You Can Change Your Genetic Code:
Grandma's experiences leave epigenetic mark on your genes:
Memories pass between generations:
(FAQ used with permission from Jennifer Dayley
DISCLAIMER: I am not a medical doctor, and I do not diagnose or treat any medical conditions. You are responsible for consulting with & obtaining the advice of a competent health care provider before making personal decisions based on anything included in this website - and therefore release me of all liability concerning your entire state of health & well being before, during, & after use of this website, its contents & its services.
"Publications in major peer-reviewed scientific journals: Science, The Journal of Cell
Biology, The Journal of Cell Science, The Journal of Morphology, Tissue and Cell,
American Journal of Physiology, Journal of Experimental Biology, etc. Publication of
several books, editor of several books, chapters in major books"
REHAB.UCLA.EDU - Groundbreaking Scientific Study - Energy Medicine
Orlando Health Dr. P. Phillips Hospital - Energy Medicine
Top hospitals embrace alternative medicine (including energy medicine)
Albany Medical Physicians - Healing Arts Energy Based Therapies
North Westchester Hospital Offers Integrative Medicine:
- Acupuncture
- Clinical Aromatherapy
- Reflexology
- Reiki
- Therapeutic Suggestion / Guided Imagery
Energy healing complements traditional medicine in Tampa Bay hospitals
Energy healing: a complementary treatment for orthopaedic and other conditions
*Homeopathy (Homeopathic Medicine) is also based on energy & works at an energetic level. See this study below:
Study: Prophylaxis against Leptospirosis using a nosode: Can this large cohort study serve as a model for future replications? [Homeopathy. 2010]
Study finds trauma effects may linger in body chemistry of next generation
Epigenetics, DNA: How You Can Change Your Genetic Code:
Grandma's experiences leave epigenetic mark on your genes:
Memories pass between generations:
(FAQ used with permission from Jennifer Dayley
DISCLAIMER: I am not a medical doctor, and I do not diagnose or treat any medical conditions. You are responsible for consulting with & obtaining the advice of a competent health care provider before making personal decisions based on anything included in this website - and therefore release me of all liability concerning your entire state of health & well being before, during, & after use of this website, its contents & its services.
Move beyond your limiting beliefs, behaviors, inner conflicts and confusion.